
Articles on linux, servers, and other related topics.

"3" MobileBroadband card (aka Novatel Merlin XU870) on Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06 (linux 2.6.15)

On Sunday (March 4th 2007), I signed up for a mobile broadband account with "3", one of Australia's tier-1 cellular UMTS/HSDPA carriers. It was a somewhat impulsive decision - the trigger being a significant drop in prices since I last looked, which was about a year ago.

Carrier and PPP Configuration for "3" MobileBroadband on Ubuntu Dapper Drake

This is a follow up article on my experiences connecting to "3" MobileBroadband in Australia with Ubuntu Dapper Drake 6.06.

You can read the first part here.


For the Merlin XU870 to make a packet-switched data connection (ie. broadband), I needed to assign the username, password, and APN (Access Point Name). For the "3" network, the APN is "3netaccess", and the username and password are both blank.

Fire up minicom, point it to /dev/ttyUSB0, and the command is